Natural Lava Rock Gravel, 50oz. With Cycle Boost Packet. (Dry)
This extremely porous black lava rock gravel is not your everyday aquarium substrate. The natural rock is sourced within the US and procured specifically for the purpose of providing maximum surface area for beneficial bacteria colonization.
This substrate provides small crevices and pores where good bacteria accumulate and colonize keeping your tank cleaner and healthier. Boutique Betta Porous Gravel comes pre-rinsed for easy use and includes Cycle Boost dormant dry bacteria to jump-start your ecosystem.
Instructions:1) Sprinkle entire packet of Cycle Boost powder evenly across bottom of tank. The bacteria in Cycle Boost are dormant until in contact with water. Using cycle boost under the gravel will help jump start a healthy ecosystem.
2) Gently pour gravel into tank and spread evenly or as desired. Gravel is pre-rinsed and does not need to be washed before adding to tank. Add gravel before adding water to tank initially
- Do not use a “gravel vacuum” or attempt to clean or disturb the gravel substrate. Boutique Betta Porous Gravel used with Cycle Boost does not need to be cleaned or rinsed on a regular basis. This gravel acts as a natural aquarium filter where good bacteria colonize to break down fish waste; cleaning the gravel will disturb the natural bacteria cycle.
- If feeding instructions are followed properly and livestock are not over-fed the gravel can last indefinitely without cleaning. In the case that cleaning the gravel is necessary do not rinse in untreated or chlorinated tap water. Chlorine in tap water will harm good bacteria cultures within the gravel. Do not use any soap or chemicals to clean gravel.